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Farewell Lindsey Pearlman


As someone who has worked hard over the last six years to create a community for writers and actors, I can tell you most of the time I feel a profound sense of satisfaction and joy. Watching new friendships form, seeing people embrace our collective spirit of inclusion, respect, and love.

This past weekend I've been feeling a profound sense of loss.

As you may have heard, one of our most beloved, and active actors in our community, Lindsey Pearlman, died unexpectedly on Friday.

Lindsey has been with us almost from the start. She started reading at LiveReadLA events soon after making the move from Chicago to LA to further her career. Our Casting Director Kimberly and I quickly realized what a remarkably talented and amazing woman she was, so we made sure Lindsey was asked to participate in whatever it was we were doing. And she almost always said yes.

Lindsey lit up whatever room she was in. Not just with her talent, but with her warmth, humor, spirit and kindness. She has been an actor in every one of my workshops, where writers and actors work together to improve. Based on the messages I've received this weekend from past workshop students, Lindsey made a profound impact.

Lindsey left us too soon. I hope she is at peace, and I wish she was still here. If only so I could remind her one more time how much she was loved, treasured, and respected by everyone in our community. Especially me.

But she's gone. And we are here. Together in our sense of loss, grief and shock.

One thing that became clear this weekend, is that we are part of an actual community. Seeing the messages (thanks to all), and the collective sense of shock and sadness, even from people who only ever saw Lindsey read for us, has given me comfort.

None of us are alone in this. We are a part of something. And that matters. Especially given the types of careers we are all chasing, which often feels completely ludicrous.

Lindsey Pearlman was a foundation of the community we have built. Her energy, her spirit, her incredible talent helped bring people to our readings, and convince them that what we were trying to do had value, purpose and meaning. It's important to me that everyone understands just how impactful she was to us, and to me. She will be greatly missed.

I'm taking a little time to let the raw emotions settle, and then I'll figure out other ways to honor her memory. We will do something, I'm just not sure what yet.

In the meantime - I'm trying to make sure everyone in my world knows how much I value and love them. Because it's all I can do.

So to you, I say, please understand I know life can feel utterly overwhelming at times. I know that first hand. When you are in those valleys, being loved by many has little impact. But maybe it has some. You are a part of a community of lovely, kind and caring people, and we are grateful to have you.

We will continue to do what we do - with even greater purpose. Because I believe in the power of community.

I'm going to end with a link to Lindsey's final performance with us - as the lead in the 2021 Grand Prize Winning script video - which helped our winners get repped. Probably because Lindsey was once again, awesome. It's HERE.

Goodbye Lindsey. Thank you for everything. I'm so sorry it ended too soon.


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