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Announcing the 2018 Write/LA Quarterfinalists

We are thrilled to announce the fifty quarterfinalists for the inaugural season of Write/LA. These writers showed dedication to their craft with unique stories, compelling characters, and impressive style.

For making it to the quarterfinals, each of these writers will receive two tickets to our invite-only grand prize live read event in Los Angeles this January. They will also receive 25% off all LiveRead/LA services and entry fees for the next twelve months.

Congratulations, quarterfinalists! We’re excited to announce which of you will advance to the semifinals on November 15!

The 2018 Write/LA Quarterfinalists

Nick Alverson  –  Strength

Simon Bowler  –  Insurrection

Ryan Braund  –  Screenplay.exe

Michi Broman  –  Palm Beach Arcade

Mike Brooks  –  Fun and Games

David Chester  –  Big Sister

Vivek Choudry  –  The Eternal

Dennis Coleman  –  You Are a Superhero

Natalie DeJohn & Chandra Wicke  –  Room For Rent

Jonathan Dillon  –  Artificial

Diana Dorahy  –  Harvard Bridge Theory

Jeffrey Field  –  Waiting Games

Michelle Davidson & Jeffrey Field  –  No Man’s Land

Linda Gauer  –  The Good Book

George Gier  –  Depredations

Elias Hansen  –  …and Anne

L.M. Harter  –  Lavender Panthers

Cody Hoffman  –  Fifteen Minutes

Chris Howlett  –  Last Clip

Francisco Infante  –  Safe Rides

Karla Jacobs  –  Mack’s PC

La’Chris Jordan  –  Piney Ridge

Bear Kosik  –  QC

Meredith Levine & Andrew Stone  –  The Mentor

Ally May  –  Dandelion Wishes

Laura McDonald  –  Painting in Mirrors

Martin Simon Muldoon  –  The Silver Fox

John Murphy & Chris Bramante  –  The Fool’s Errand

Craig Oliver  –  Combustion

Leah P  –  Marked

Demitra Papadinis  –  The Wonderful

Jeff Patneaude  –  Rogues

Jeff Patneaude  –  Point Roberts

Huey Pham  –  The Operator

Suzanne Prescott  –  Lariat Girl

Robert Rhyne  –  Rational Panic

Roger Rosenberger  –  John Camino – Wartime Memories in a World of Peace

Roger Rosenberger  –  Lovecraft’s Nightmares

David Schlow  –  Jackrabbit

Joshua Singer  –  I Call Shotgun

Grace Stewart  –  The Bunkers

Zachary Tomlinson  –  Desert 10

Kristen Tracy  –  Killer, Inc.

Steve Trebilcock  –  The Mushroom King

Nick Viscounty  –  Geeds

Rayne Warne  –  Man Enough

Alex Weinstock  –  Beholder

Clint Williams  –  No Heroes Here

Lou Wollin  –  The Stand-Up

Jenna Wycoff  –  Vamp

Congratulations again! Remember to check back for the semifinalist announcement on November 15…

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